
Privacy Policy

The owner of the app is:

Wouter van de Velde, operating as Rizkysly, a sole proprietorship.

Sartrezijde 31
2725 PM Zoetermeer
The Netherlands
KvK: 27279829

What information is being collected?

Push notifications
Tokens to send notifications.

Usage statistics (views, actions, visits) and device information (make, model, locale, operating system and application). No personal data.

Google Analytics (Website only)
The website uses Google Analytics to analyze and improve visitor behavior. See Googles Privacy Policy for more information.

Google Adsense (Website only)
Google Adsense is used to serve personalized advertising. See Googles Privacy Policy for more information.

What is the Legal basis for the collection?

The information collected is necessary for the service the app provides and for maintaining and improving the app.

Which third parties will have access to the information?

Apart from Google's AdSense and Analytics services; None.

Effective date of the privacy policy

Sunday 30 December 2018